Tuesday, 11 September 2012

... Is alive!

So I know I haven't posted in a while but I have a very good reason.  After much thought and very little planning I have moved to BRIGHTON!!
My bestest friend Laura of Illustryous fame has lived in Brighton for several years and has been asking me to live with her for quite a while.  It seemed now was the time to make the move so on the 11th of July I packed my bags and headed south.
So far everything has gone pretty smoothly but so I don't rabbit on too long, here is a brief summary of what has happened:

+ I spent three weeks sharing a bed with Laura before moving into my new house where, after much maneuvering I have ended up in my room with very little furniture.  I share the house with Laura, Hester, Dave and Kiki the dog.

+ After five days of exploring I found a job at the truly charming Blackbird Tearooms where I get to work with a bunch of lovely people serving proper tea and yummy homemade cakes.

+ I have been going to weekly life drawing classes at Draw Brighton where laura is one of the many models.  (I now have more naked pictures of my best friend than any normal person should have!)

+ Even though I have only had my own room for a few weeks I have already bought/acquired a wardrobe, two chairs, a mattress, two dresses, a bean bag, a curved mirror, a wooden writing box, a parasol, a chaise lounge and a pile of vintage fabric.

+ I have made several trips up to London to see my lovely Dan Hodgett.  One of the many reasons for moving down south :)  (In ten days we'll have been together a year! eek!)

That's about it for now.  Apparently the Olympics were on too but I wasn't paying attention.  Here are a few photos to fill in the gaps...

This is a view from my house of the South Downes.  Not exactly the bustling metropolis of Brighton but its not too far away.

A bit of Brighton poetry...

...and a bit more.

Brighton station.

A bit of vintage goodness. There's a lot of it around Brighton.

A bit of Brighton artiness. There's loads of that too!

Laura's room that she has just finished organising and now looks like a fairy grotto.

My room which is a mess.

So that's it for now.  I'll keep you posted with new developments.  Hopefully get some creative stuff on the go soon!

Laters xxx

p.s. One of the lovely ladies I work with has a super blog called Yours Truly.  Check it out if you know what's good for you!